let me tell you a story...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

peanut m&m's are fantastic!

i am freaking out sorta kinda about moving back to california. i don't like thinking about it, itt make me angry/sad/scared/etc. i have no job, no apartment and the prospect of living with my mother for a month makes me want to gouge my eyes out. oh well at least the weather will be nice and there won't be any FUCKING SNOW GODDAMMIT. i will be happy if i don't see snow for like 3 years. actually that's not true, come winter time i am going to be sobbing hysterically for the snow covered boston streets. oh god. i really like the east coast. it's shit like this that makes me wonder what the fuck i am even doing moving back to the west side. i don't think i like it that much. granted, the last time i lived there i was about 17 years old and unable to drink, didn't smoke pot, and was kind of lame in general. things are different this time around. i will have friends from boston coming with me and that will make a world of difference. also, gregory j. hastings will be joining me and so will camille travis. and these people make me soooo happy i can't even tell you. i want greg to slut it up good in san fran, and camille needs to get back in my life cause i have not seen that girl in a minute.
good will hunting is on TV. i love this movie. and i love tv.
i have a problem i think. a tv/celebrity problem.
oh well.
i have that one song stuck in my head that goes like this: "are we in looooooove or juuuust friends/is this my beginning or is this the ennnnd(is this the end)"

1 comment:

Lady_Sings_tha_blues said...

Megs - What you are going through is totally natural. After I graduated from college I was really upset and I pretty much didn't have fucking clue why I was gonna do back in the bay. I had no job, no friends (kinda) and no man. I hated the idea of living back at home with my mom. I was super afraid to give up the many freedoms I had gained by going to college. In the end it all worked out for the best and I don't regret it. Good luck and bring a lot of pot with u to the bay. If you're high all the time you won't have time to realize how lame the bay can be.
