let me tell you a story...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

new leaf again!

I would direct all further attention to trashyornot.blogspot.com. That is where my musins and the musings of my friends re: life, things that are trashy and things that are not trashy are. Maybe every now and then I will update this thing. In fact, here is a new list to go with the list that I made previously, just now.

1. I am unemployed!
2. I am unemployed!
3. Being unemployed is kinda great.

I am contemplating deleting this entire thing, changing its title to something quippy re: unemployment and doing some writing re: what it's like. This will be my book deal. This will be the way that I can talk to someone/something without actually talking. I like to talk, a lot, and it's hard when you ahve to go every single day without talking to people. That's really fucking strange in fact. You try it. Maybe it's ok for others. For me, I talk enough for about 5 people, so to have my only interactions be with people in the yarn store and an over-friendly librarian is kind of unnerving.

Stay tuned, bitches. This is where shit starts to get really interesting.

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