let me tell you a story...

Monday, May 02, 2005

the master plan of the lesbian bent on seduction

i am not the lesbian in question in the title. i am watching a semi-hilarious documentary on these two old lesbian activists. its charming. there are a lot of really awkward sepia toned reenactments of young girls pretending to be lesbians in the fifties. it's very odd.

in any case: i had a blast from the past today and hung out with amy and lauren. it was nice to see them, and the good thing about hanging out with people from high school is that while you always think it is going to be really awkward, it ineveitably ends up not being so at all. i dont know, it was just like we had always seen each other. it worked.

i need to start reading more. i should turn off the TV. some day.

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